
Apr 24, 2010 11:28

I'm discovering that I drastically need to return to minimalism.
My little house is too full of things, random, semi-useful items that seldom get used.

My paintball equipment overflows it's containers, spilling into my floor, filling my closet with equipment that I barely remember owning or using. I know as field owner I should have enough equipment to go around, always have a spare facemask on hand, etc, but this is getting ridiculous.
My tools litter the living room, and my shipping boxes are creating a small mountain to the right of my recliner, creating a wall between my computer desk and the rest of the house.

I know I push a modest amount of inventory online, but not nearly enough to validate the mess created.

In the next few weeks, i'm going to begin to do give-aways at the field for some of my equipment, and possibly some clothing give-aways. What I can't find homes for, I'll be donating to the goodwill.
I can't really give away any of my markers because all of them have have some personal significance to me. Giving them away or selling them would be like giving away a friend.

The lack of clutter would make Chloe a lot happier, as well as myself.

Afterall, life was so much simpler when I had that much less to be concerned about.
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