Feb 06, 2010 17:22
Today is certainly a slow day at the store, especially for a saturday. So far i've done my usual chores and succeeded in tuning Chloe's DMC, and deciding I don't have the heart to un-tune my 06 Empire II Intimidator.
The Empire II Timmy currently has a 7th Element board installed in it, which I had very limited experience with and honestly, I had never heard a positive word about it. Once I started programming the board, I noticed that it was very customizable. I set the board to custom ramp, with ramp initiation at 8bps, sustain ramp at 5, ramp percentage at unlimited, rate of fire unlimited. Dwell was set to 9ms, eye delay and debounce were bottomed out. I use a Dye Rotor with an insatiable appetite for paint, so having the eye delay bottomed out doesn't present a problem.
The one problem, if you can call it that, with my settings is that once the ramp activates, it goes into full auto for about 30 shots. I shot the Timmy for a few weeks with those settings without a problem. However, whenever I would dryfire it to show off it's capabilities, the bolt would stick forward because with the settings, the timmy literally tried to shoot at an unlimited speed. After a few weeks, a bad leak developed in the poppet, and seeing how I do not own an extremely tiny deep wall socket, I could not disassemble the Timmy to fix it myself. After sending it off to BLAST and discussing it with one of the techs, It turns out that the board's capabilities were what started the bad poppet leak. By the tech's assertion, the solenoid could not match the demands of the board.
Talk about a disappointment.
BLAST did a complimentary refurb on my Intimidator, replacing hoses, o-rings and screws. The only charges I was billed for was hourly labor and return shipping, totaling $40.00, Not bad at all.
What i'm theorizing is that the problem is developing from dryfiring the timmy. If I refrain from doing so, it shouldn't negatively affect the marker.
Tomorrow, we're going to finish some work on the barn and possibly film some pistol's only games between me and Josh. More than likely, we'll get some awesome footage and whenever I finish the video, i'll post the link. Or, if anybody reads this at all, if you search:
You'll find my team's youtube page. I've got one video posted so far. At the moment, i'm working on about 4 different video projects. None of them are very special, but at least i'm learning.
I just realized that I have nothing interesting to say.