Jan 03, 2005 18:21
Today was extremely frustrating. Everything was annoying except for Gage and Petey. Agh, I don't even want to describe it.
However, this past week was awesome. I went to Orlando w/ Petey & his family. We spent most of our time at Universal and 1 day @ MGM. For 2 nights we were at the Hard Rock, which was so unreal! That place was amazing! I loved it! New years day is his birthday, which we spent all over the place. We went to some stores in the morning, but they took us to Daytona Beach after. The water was pretty cold, but it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced. His mom and dad stayed up on the sidewalk with Danny while we were on the beach. We didn't swim, but we walked in the water and took some pictures. The seagulls were pretty funny. I loved it.
They took us to see MEET THE FOCKERS that night. It was really good; a lot better than sequels usually are.
I wanted to stay with him. Coming home was nice just to see Mom and Gage, but it would've been perfect had he stayed with me.