(no subject)

Dec 31, 2008 21:15

Ever since 9/11 I've seen an increase in the amount of homes that fly the American flag outside. Now, please don't get me wrong, I am fully in support of that. Frankly, I love seeing it. But, only if it's done correctly. Believe it or not, there are regulations on when and how to display it. If you are going to do it, please, do it right. Here are a couple links that discuss proper flag etiquette:

American Flag Display Etiquette

Flag Rules and Regulations:

I'd have to say that the top two violations I see daily are these:

1) Flag flown after sundown - The flag should only be displayed from sunrise to sunset UNLESS it is properly illuminated. On a side note, it should not be displayed in inclement weather either, unless it is an all-weather flag.

2) The flag should be properly disposed of when it is worn or damaged - I see this ALL the time. Tattered and ripped flags on display (especially at car dealerships). If a flag is damaged, it should be ceremoniously disposed of.

Now, there is another violation I see, more so than any other, and that is the American flag on disposable items. Technically, the flag should not be present on any items that are expected to be temporary in use. However, this is a sign of the times, and I understand that. I, myself, am in violation of this as I have some t-shirts with the flag printed on them.

Please, continue to honor America and show your patriotism. But, please, make sure that you are doing it in the correct manner.
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