LiveJournal is a really curious entity these days. I have no concept of it's size at any time of my using it bar the bygone days of FFXI where the bubble was illusionarily sweet. For me, it's always been an avenue to express my feelings of the MMO I happened to be playing at time, almost exclusively FFXI and WoW. As time went on, I began to play less and less and consequently write less and less. I still greatly enjoy writing it's just that the stories aren't there anymore and I don't wish to taint years of procedure.
Anything real life related begrudgingly goes on Facebook as I rob myself of memory banked tales should idle chitchat in the flesh occur. I don't hide the fact that I'm a gamer but I try to not broadcast the fact due to disliking the direction it's headed in over the past few years. Share my enthusiasm for Demon's Souls and not Call of Duty and you've got a friend for life. Sadly, that has never happened and I'm usually bracing my necrotic soul whenever I mention the g word irl.
So now, if I feel like writing an essay on a game, it can happily go here. If I want to tell a bunch of Farmville addicts that I had a piece of toast for breakfast, it can go on Facebook. If I want to announce that I just razed Rome or gold starred Panic Attack, I can do it on Twitter. I'm pretty sure that fills all my holes. Giggity.
One last point; Final Fantasy XIV... boy this won't go away with it? I'm still of the mindset that if I quit a game, like, four years ago, didn't miss it and could never return then I certainly am not going to get along with Final Fantasy XI: HD Version as it ignorantly makes all the same mistakes. However, I will be building a new PC in the coming weeks and Klisk has offered to sell me an EU code for dirt cheap. Given the circumstances, it would be remiss of me to not at least grant it a week or two of my life.