So, I cut some people from my flist. It's either because we've never spoken, you haven't updated for weeks, or you've never commented on any one of my posts. I'm not asking much. It's not like you're obligated to comment on every single one of my posts, but it's nice to hear from you once in a while. And I'd comment on yours if you, you know, actually updated. I know that we all have lives outside of the internet, but I really don't know some some of you guys. I don't remember ever having a conversation with you. Ever. Maybe once or twice but that's it. I don't see the need to keep you because I didn't add you guys for numerical reasons. I really wanted to be friends. I'm sorry if you feel like you were cut wrongfully, and if you feel that you were, PM me.
If you can't see
this post, you've been cut.