Наткнулся на прекрасное - руководство по больбе с идиотами из России в онлайн-играх (в первую очередь в доте). Сам я в доту не играю, но как по мне, наблюдения из этого руководства вполне применимы и к комментам на том же ютубе (там вообще настоящий паноптикум, но русскоязычные комменты резко выделяются в худшую сторону даже на этом фоне). Также показательно, что такое руководство написано именно об идиотах из России, хотя плохих игроков хватает и в США, и в Бразилии, и во многих других странах.
вот оно. Для тех, кто не хочет читать его полностью и кому не интересна чисто игровая часть, выложу сюда избранные отрывки:
"There are tons of guides about every single hero, but there arent that many guides about types of players. We will consider one type of players: russian pricks. These differ from usual pricks, because they are the worst.
Russian talkings, "deliberate" moves, bad microphones, no manners, unpausing games, full damage builds. Tired of that? Here's a short summary of how to avoid your upcoming 40 minutes of hell.
If you see something like: "Я на мид, мне всё пох, раки ебаные, дниве", feel free to report this guy and leave. Don't try to chat with him, it can cause brain desease, really, don't even dare...
Nickname is a main checkpoint in this game. Once the number of silly nicknames reached critical mass, you'll find yourself in one of those games, you'd never like to play.
So now I'll try to show you all types of silly russian nicknames, THEY use to show us how "clever" they are:
- Using words "Rak", "Dno"
- Using numbers 228, 14, 18, 88, 1337, 666 and any combination of them
- Using russian words like "НАГИБАТОР, ЕБАШЕР, ТАЩЕР"
- Using their date of birth (russian kids are 1000 times worse than russian olds)
- UsInG TiTlE LeTtErS LiKe ThIs
- Using lots of brackets ( )))))))))))) ) or lots of symbols like @, <>, * (or both)
You see these words used in chat @ you press report button. Simple as that.
- Рак, дно - Noob
- Ебал твою мать, твоя мать шлюха- Your mother is a good woman (you know what I mean. Phrase can vary, the only thing that you should know that words "мать, мама, мамаша, матушка" mean mother)
- Да поxyй мне! - I dont give a cluck
- Буржуй, гук, чурка, америкос, американец - Foreigner
- Сука - Beetch
- )))))))) - :) Basically this is the one of the main clues that will help you to differ russian player from eu player. Most russians dont use completed smiles like this ":)", they just spam with brackets like that "))))". The more brackets they use- the stupider they are. 1 or 2 is fine though.
- Пидор - Fagggot
- Бомбануло, напекло, припекло, пригорело - Butthurt
Of course, I can't list all the words russian idiot can use (even though their vocabulary is poor), but these words are used by them in 90% of cases..."