Jan 03, 2015 22:51
Its 2015 and I'm going to be thirty this year.. candice and I broke up. She left me for a while, tried to divorce me. This past spring we got back together. Well is been about 9 months and we just bought a house in Jefferson pa. We are still fighting often so I worry about where we are headed. The kids are healthy and happy. We have two dogs shakoda and bones.I work at maryland pump and tank.buying this house is really what made me want to write a post. Its a big turning point in my life. Its definitely a goal I have been working for and dedicated to for a long time. I'm scared of this life I have but ycant really ask for too much more in life right now. I'm happy..... it has been a long road but I am finally happy with me life. I hope I can stay on this path. I hope life has more instore for me. Untill next time, keep moving forward, russell. Never stop.