Nov 06, 2007 11:10
So there is an awesome facebook group called "gay marriage killed the dinosaurs"
(disclaimer: I support same-sex (alternative-couple) marriage so deal with it...if you know me at all you already know that, and we get along regardless of whether or not we agree on the matter. so yeah.)
I got bored and started looking through the groups people belong to and just about died. How awesomely awesome. And the discussion boards are actually more or less civil discussion on the issue- although there are some links provided to some serious facebook hate-groups to further discussion.
I found this qoute here, and I was like ... that sounds like something one of my bestest friends in the whole world would say. Its amazing what humor can do:
"My lesbianism is an act of Christian charity. All those women out there praying for a man, and I'm giving them my share."
~Rita Mae Brown
While Im making a post that will probably piss people off, I also wanted to say:
What a classless way to celebrate your victory, mister Hart.
wow. I feel controversial! yay me! shocking actually because I usually dont go out of my way to be controversial...unless people piss me off. Im usually more along the lines of "quietly prove people wrong" then "shove their wrongness in their face" This group just made my day.