Mission 003 - text

Oct 21, 2008 02:20


Chips - power surpressing abilities. Mood altering (details on previous event?). Possible tracking device? Removable, current location unknown. Registers vital signs? (re death and revival)

Scientists - Can retrieve anyone regardless of time and physical state (revival from death). Returning individuals may or may not keep memories of previous visits - memory wipe? - possible that the same thing is done to current residents? (Keep paper copy of notes in case of memory loss/erased entry)
Brings back the ones who die within the city (rechipped).  Tracking through chips Surveillance system? Sky flicker

Able to shut off superhuman powers even after chip removal.

Five in total, three female, two male. Location unknown, underground (sewer system?) and outside of city possible theories.
John Summers - connected to the scientists. Diseased.

Social interactions encouraged with electric shocks. connected to possible reproduction theory?

Discedo - Wiped out not to long ago. Atropos virus - internal organ failure. Cure found? No recent known outbreaks.
No confirmed human life outside of the city - isolated on purpose? 
Food supplies low but never empty (longest known stay - one year. Foodsupplies most likely empty under normal conditions). Restocked by the scientists?

Purpose - possible theories: scientific experiment. Rebuilding and reproduction - does not explain sudden disappearances or arrival of more/less capable individuals.


An interesting experience, though not one I'd like to repeat. But by the sound of it this isn't the first time the chips malfunction? I'd like some more information on that event, if any of you still remember.

While we're on the subject, is anyone working on updating the information regarding the city? The current one is...lacking, to say the least.

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