(no subject)

Dec 01, 2008 08:11

Hmmm... I did finnish NaNoWriMo on Thursday I think, wrote it to around 50100 words or something. I got tired of it around the third week and left it untouched for several days, almost a week. Decided on Monday or Tuesday that damnit I'm finnishing the thing and sent it in on what must have been Thursday since it was the 25th and that was the first day you could send it in. So yayness, it's done. And it was sort of fun even though I really think the whole thing is mostly crap. And writing this I noticed that my Swedish is getting really bad, so the excersise was worth while just to have some reason to write in Swedish. I wonder if I'll ever get around to editing the stuff into sounding a bit better at least. Right now I don't feel like even looking at it.

The thing I don't get is how the heck it was always so difficult to get around to writing essays, but I somehow find the discipline to finnish this with time to spare. Every work day without fail I got up between three and five am, went out with dog, fed the pets, made breakfast and then sat down to write for at least an hour and a half (if I managed to get up earlier I wrote for longer of course, but five got me 1,5 hours of writing) before going to work. Then I always wrote at least a bit during the evenings, depending on what else had to be done. And the first two weekends were spent writing... the latter two obviously not.

Now I need to get around to loosing the five kilos I gained during the month of bad eating habits (I'm still a size 36 though so, I'm not that upset. Though damn it five friggin kilos. I'm fat!!! Argh... it's horrible. I could hide all the mirrors? Maybe that's help and... and... gah...). Blah... oh well... it's not that difficult, just stop eating anything that tastes remotly good and... I hate me.

Right, sorry about the weight issues, I'm trying to convince myself I'm not upset about it. It's not really working.

Romeo seems to be feeling a bit better, I think a bit less subdued at least. *Sigh* I'll give it a couple of days yet, if he still isn't walking properly or eating I'll take him to the vet. And I'm worried about Hampus, she's been getting all kinds of grumpy again and I worry she's getting sick... again... and I still have no idea what was wrong with her last time. And I hate this weather, it wrecks havoc on my poor Kerttu's ears. Stupid wetness.

EDIT: I hate the Finnish passive. And writing a five page official document in a hurry... argh! One of my favourite sentences of the horribleness: "Arvonlisäverovastiketta määrättäessä otetaan huomioon vähennyksenä yhtiön arvioidusta arvonlisäverollisista ostoista verolliseksi haettujen vastikepreusteiden mukainen osuus, jonka yhtiö hakeutumisen jälkeen voi vähentää omassa arvonlisäverotiltyksessään."

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