The entry of the summer

Jul 17, 2006 01:33

I know I'm not a big livejournal person, but I decided that I'll update, because it's pretty much the middle of the summer, so I guess I could talk about it. My summer has been going great so far!! Since this entry is about the summer, I'll start with when the school got out.

On the last day of finals, five of us took off on this crazy 17day Eurotrip - we went to London, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Florence, and Rome! We spend 2 or 3 days in each city and it was soo much fun! This was a truly amazing trip! I went with Mike, my bf and 3 other friends. So my impressions: London - kinda so-so, waaaaay too expensive. It's like almost twice the prices of Manhattan, and Manhattan is not at all a cheap place. Also the bars close at 11 pm, which is kind of a turnoff. But other than that, it was really really pretty! Amsterdam is amazing, I thought the city was really cool, although ALL of the nightlife seems to be revolving around 2 things - weed and sex. Which is cool for a couple of days, but I imagine it getting old after a while. But nevertheless, the city is lots of fun!!! Paris was really cool! We pretty much spent like one whole day in the Louvre, it was crazy! BARCELONA - was my favorite place on the trip. We spend like 2 whole days at the beach, and eating delicious food. Also, I might have a one-track mind, but what I often like about cities is the nightlife, and Barcelona has amazing nightlife!! So we come into this really cool club on Sunday at 2am and it's half empty. And then in the span of the next hour it gets completely full - apparently we were early. By 5 in the morning it was crazy packed - and did I say already that it was on a Sunday?:) So I definitely want to go back to Barcelona someday again - and I think I now know a good clubbing area too:))
Italy was amazing - the food was unbelievably good, everything was nice and pretty and warm, lots of ruins and stuff:)) On our last day there, we went to this lake by Rome where pope has his summer house - it was really cool, and a nice conclusion to our trip.

After I got back home, I had a couple of days at home in Stamford, during which I went up to NYC to visit some friends, and that was a lot of fun, and then I left for San Antonio, TX, where I'm during an REU (research) in math. This has been a lot of fun too - the people that I'm working with are really cool - I think I got lucky, and we've been having a lot of fun. A lot of the nightlife in San Antonio seems to be hispanic, haha, so now I now a bunch of random phrazes and a bunch of popular songs in Spanish, like this one song that goes "don't stop, keep going" which they keep saying over and over again.... yeah:)) I probably have an interesting vocabularly in Spanish, lol:)) We also go to this Mexican restaurant every day for lunch, and it is sooo great - for like 4 dollars you can get yourself full with the best Mexican food I've ever eaten. And they have these interesting shows on TV everytime we're there - like the "slut school" show that's about a bunch of girls that wear really slutty school uniforms, and those uniforms have become a fashion trend - my friend saw a 5-year old girl at the mall wearing the same uniform, and then we saw like a 30-year old lady on TV wearing the same thing too - creepy:)) The program overall is a lot of fun, although I really miss New York, and math is allright. My proffessor is Russian, but I think he's very americanized, and listens to rap music:)) He's really really cool and nice:)

And so in 2 weeks a final part of my summer is coming coming up - I'm going to my homeland!! That's right, I'm going to Russia!!! I can't even express how much I am excited about this - it will be great to see my family, whom I haven't seen in ages, and my old friends, along with some friends from school! It should be a lot of fun. I'm going with my dad, and we're also going to try to fix up our appartment. I am really right now just wishing that the days would go faster so that I would go to Moscow! OMG Russian food..... it's going to be great!! And I am soooo excited about seeing everybody (hopefully there still people that want to see me)! I can't even express how much I've missed everybody! Last time I went back was 2.5 years ago, so I'm a little bit nervous, bit hopefully everything will be great:) So yeah, I'll be there from July 30th to August 20th and then I'm gonna come back home, and on the 24th come to Columbia to take up an honorable job of an Orientation Leader :)) So I would really have to control myself to not tell a group of freshmen where to get fake IDs, because I would get fired... Haha, I'm sure they'll find out anyways, lol.

Overall, I think this summer is helping me realized how much I love my friends and my school - being away from everybody with a group of people that I've never met before (even though they are really cool) still made me really miss my friends - who are always there for me, and are always up for going out and doing stuff, even when it's in the middle of the night:)) Basically, I really miss Columbia, New York, and next summer I'm staying there, whatever it takes me:))
As for Mike - Mike is Mike, lol :))) I haven't seen him since the Eurotrip, but we talk on the phone everyday, even several times a day, and while being away from him sucks, it made me understand how much I really like him, and that I truly like him for who he is, just for how he talks to me, and how he is the most positive and supportive person ever. And we're definitely best friends, besides being a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Which I think is always a good thing:))

Allright, this is it - this came out to be a long-ass entry, but I guess that's what I get for not ever updating - I hope that everybody is doing great and having an amazing summer!!!!
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