Sep 09, 2006 19:47
So, I haven't posted in awhile....last saturday in fact, but I've been really incredibly busy. School is okay this'm really glad I don't have hard classes like Chemistry or AP American History...but, I also don't have any real bum off classes like Cook or Clinton. First hour, French 4, is as it always was...except there's history, which I really like...not too hard...but, we're probably going to have a fair amount of projects. Second hour, Forensics, is great! I'm so excited! We're going to learn how to do a "pigrot"...where we basically watch the stages of decomposition...using a dead pig. Sweetness. And, we just might be able to go see an autopsy! :) The class mainly consists of labs, so I'll never really have any homework...but that also means I can't really do other homework in that class...since we'll be busy with labs...ah, well...Third hour, I have Lucchi for AP English 1...and it doesn't seem like it'll be too hard...lots of reading and essays though, so those will be annoying and time consuming...and I never quite got around to reading my second summer reading I'm in the process of doing that now...unfortunately, the only book they had left at Barnes and Noble was the 500 page one. Joy. I love reading, but sometimes, I just don't have the time....although, the book I've had on hold finally came in! :D The Messenger by Daniel, I'm afraid that'll be what I'm reading, instead of our required reading...fourth hour is Symphony Orchestra and this year I'm in first violins! woot! woot! :) Our music is okay, not too hard...but we already have a concert this Monday and we just got our music on Wednesday....he wants to take it at tempo. ick. not happening. Yep. And, I'm excited for orchestra camp! That's coming up! Fifth hour is my math class, and I haven't had a real math class since Ms. Chan's Geometry....and unfortunately, I have a really good math teacher...Mrs. Armstrong, which is good in the sense that I'll actually learn something unlike some classes....*coughcookcough* ...but, bad in the sense that I'll have homework everyday...ew. But, she doesn't seem to notice that I'm doing homework, other than math in her class. :) Sixth hour is Economics AP, and I like the concept I think...but I don't understand all...and he doesn't teach it really...he just basically debates different aspects of our economy with John and Nilesh...*sigh* we have our first quiz Monday. ew. But, it doesn't look like it'll be too much work, save for the quarterly projects. And, Mr. Devine is pretty cool...we get food on Fridays! woot! ...that makes me miss Keoliean's class...geez, what a tradeoff, Keoliean for Madame...ugh. I'd much rather have Keoliean bright n'early, than offense or anything...Unfortunately, I have a bit of a tight schedule because right after school I go to clubs and then to work....except Tuesdays...I don't work on Tuesdays...and I usually work until either 6 or, I don't get home 'till it's rather late...and my mom isn't liking the fact that she has to drive me there all the time- it's in Birmingham...But, I like work, it's fun! :) I'm renting out instruments and the like...haha. And Rob, my boss is really pissed that Benes scheduled a concert on one of our rental nights...everybody's busy on Monday...So, after I get home, I have to help my brother practice cello, I have to practice violin, and I have to do my it's a bit of a time crunch...but, it's okay...I'll work it out...I always do...even if it means, not sleeping...And, today I had my first MYS rehearsal...haha. I'm second to last chair in the second violins...but, it makes me happy because my audition was quite horrid, so I'm glad he's not that desperate for members. My standpartner has no idea what he's doing, though...but, the guy in front of me is really good...and quite cute too! I actually like the Mahler more than I thought I would! And, it's not as easy as I thought it would be...but, it's quite playable...the second and fourth movement are fast, but other than that, it's quite okay. I like the third movement best! It starts out with a funeral march...haha. And, it sounds a bit like Fiddler on the Roof. haha. I forgot my shoulder I kind of had to wing that rehearsal...but, I kind of like playing without a shoulder rest...hmm...maybe I'll try it...oh, and my father is really getting on my case about choosing what college I should go to...because some colleges require the SAT II and then, if I apply to one of those, I'd have to take it...ick. He's really annoying me. I'm sick of school already...