4-5 июня с.г. в Варшаве прошло заседание Европейского сообщества лидеров за многостороннее ядерное разоружение и нераспространение (European Leadership Network for Multilaterial Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.
На заседании выступил президент Российского совета по международным делам И.С. Иванов, являющийся членом Совета директоров ELN.
Выступление И.С. Иванова:
«I would like to start my short remarks with the question: “Have we ever had real trust between NATO and Russia?” Of course, twenty years ago, after the end of the Cold War there were many elevated expectations about the future of Russia - NATO relations. Some politicians and experts on both sides went as far as to propose a NATO membership for Russia. But this idea has remained a pipe-dream; it has never been considered in a serious way either in Moscow or in Brussels. Furthermore, we have to confess that mistrust, mutual suspicions, misperceptions and fears have survived through the best years of our relationship.