Convo With Shelby

Sep 03, 2004 22:12

set on motion (9:46:18 PM): hey
jewishxdrummer (9:46:25 PM): hi
set on motion (9:46:32 PM): what's up
jewishxdrummer (9:47:05 PM): im so mad rite now
set on motion (9:47:12 PM): how come
jewishxdrummer (9:47:28 PM): first befor ethat
jewishxdrummer (9:47:35 PM): hwo come u nvr comment on my lj
jewishxdrummer (9:47:40 PM): but replied 2 sehars comment
set on motion (9:47:47 PM): i don't know
set on motion (9:47:50 PM): it gave me something to do
jewishxdrummer (9:48:09 PM): comment on my lj
set on motion (9:48:17 PM): i will
set on motion (9:48:21 PM): not right now thoguh
set on motion (9:48:22 PM): though
jewishxdrummer (9:48:32 PM): see
jewishxdrummer (9:48:34 PM): stupid ass sehars
jewishxdrummer (9:48:39 PM): goes 2 fucking europe and china
set on motion (9:48:44 PM): i don't have to do it right now
jewishxdrummer (9:48:45 PM): for the summer
jewishxdrummer (9:48:51 PM): lies 2 me
jewishxdrummer (9:48:56 PM): and she mosies back
jewishxdrummer (9:49:00 PM): repliing 2 my comment
jewishxdrummer (9:49:01 PM): about
jewishxdrummer (9:49:06 PM): how people leave
jewishxdrummer (9:49:07 PM): me
jewishxdrummer (9:49:07 PM): and i li
jewishxdrummer (9:49:09 PM): lie
jewishxdrummer (9:49:10 PM): and shit
set on motion (9:49:52 PM): what?
set on motion (9:49:54 PM): i don't get it
jewishxdrummer (9:50:02 PM): ok see
jewishxdrummer (9:50:10 PM): damnit
Auto response from set on motion (9:50:10 PM):
looking for more peach iced tea

jewishxdrummer (9:50:12 PM): shelby
jewishxdrummer (9:50:17 PM): i cant fucking talk 2 u
jewishxdrummer (9:50:21 PM): about my problems
jewishxdrummer (9:50:28 PM): u always go fucking on aways when i start
jewishxdrummer (9:50:34 PM): man forget i ever mentioned it
jewishxdrummer (9:50:42 PM): ill go talk 2 some 1 who fucking listends
set on motion (9:51:07 PM): i'm sorry
set on motion (9:51:10 PM): i was listening
jewishxdrummer (9:51:16 PM): everytime
jewishxdrummer (9:51:18 PM): i start talking
set on motion (9:51:20 PM): you know i always listen, so shut up
jewishxdrummer (9:51:20 PM): u go
jewishxdrummer (9:51:22 PM): on away
jewishxdrummer (9:51:38 PM): i need some 1 who helps me sort shit out
jewishxdrummer (9:51:45 PM): not makes me talk while they go on away
jewishxdrummer (9:51:49 PM): and read when i come back
set on motion (9:51:54 PM): i was gone for five seconds
jewishxdrummer (9:51:56 PM): if u wanna help me out atleast stay
set on motion (9:51:57 PM): i'm sorry
jewishxdrummer (9:52:05 PM): i know but lik
jewishxdrummer (9:52:08 PM): everytime
jewishxdrummer (9:52:08 PM): anyway
jewishxdrummer (9:52:11 PM): it just bugs me
jewishxdrummer (9:52:12 PM): she leaves 4 summer
jewishxdrummer (9:52:15 PM): comes back
jewishxdrummer (9:52:51 PM): make me comment askin her wut she thinks about me
jewishxdrummer (9:53:03 PM): and she says lal this bullshit from 7th grade
jewishxdrummer (9:53:07 PM): doesn't she get it?
jewishxdrummer (9:53:13 PM): she left 4 a whole summer
jewishxdrummer (9:53:16 PM): things changed
set on motion (9:53:31 PM): let me read the comment
jewishxdrummer (9:53:38 PM): i went thru my last steps of puberty and now im a man in a way, people change over time
jewishxdrummer (9:53:49 PM): she deleted it
jewishxdrummer (9:53:52 PM): and fixed it up
jewishxdrummer (9:53:54 PM): all nive
jewishxdrummer (9:53:58 PM): man i changed over summer
jewishxdrummer (9:54:04 PM): if she wants 2 write about me
jewishxdrummer (9:54:08 PM): let her write about who i am
jewishxdrummer (9:54:11 PM): not was
jewishxdrummer (9:54:24 PM): and people should not describe u and tell u ur flaws and good things
jewishxdrummer (9:54:37 PM): ok i like me 4 who i am and i dont giva flying fuck wut people say
jewishxdrummer (9:54:40 PM): but if they do say anything
jewishxdrummer (9:54:42 PM): let it be
jewishxdrummer (9:54:44 PM): wut they know
jewishxdrummer (9:54:46 PM): not assume
set on motion (9:55:14 PM): yea
set on motion (9:55:18 PM): that's gay
jewishxdrummer (9:55:23 PM): i know
jewishxdrummer (9:55:33 PM): people should not judge my character
jewishxdrummer (9:55:45 PM): i listen 2 wut i wanna listen 2 i dress how i feel like dressing
jewishxdrummer (9:55:52 PM): people butting in with thier opinions
jewishxdrummer (9:55:56 PM): is not needed
jewishxdrummer (9:55:58 PM): if i ask
jewishxdrummer (9:55:59 PM): then its ok
jewishxdrummer (9:56:11 PM): but i dont need lil nosy bitches tryin 2 make me like they want me 2 be
set on motion (9:56:17 PM): true
set on motion (9:56:19 PM): i agree
jewishxdrummer (9:56:34 PM): every 1 is individual theyre their own person
jewishxdrummer (9:56:40 PM): sooner or later
jewishxdrummer (9:56:46 PM): u cant rely on people shebly
jewishxdrummer (9:56:53 PM): u gotta be ur pwn support
jewishxdrummer (9:57:00 PM): u fall off that horse u get back on and
jewishxdrummer (9:57:13 PM): u get fired u go back and get a job
jewishxdrummer (9:57:36 PM): u gotta do what you have 2 do you have 2 havewhat it takes if you wanan make it in this workf
jewishxdrummer (9:57:40 PM): world
jewishxdrummer (9:57:44 PM): and ppl
jewishxdrummer (9:57:45 PM): can assume
jewishxdrummer (9:57:48 PM): and say all da shit they want
jewishxdrummer (9:57:52 PM): but im still gunna be who i am
set on motion (9:58:04 PM): exactly
jewishxdrummer (9:58:06 PM): and i still gotta get up every fucking day 2 go 2 skool 2 get a fucking job later
jewishxdrummer (9:58:10 PM): and get an education
set on motion (9:58:13 PM): no one has a say in how you act//who you are
jewishxdrummer (9:58:15 PM): and support myself
jewishxdrummer (9:58:21 PM): u r who u wanna b e
jewishxdrummer (9:58:27 PM): u wanna make it u make ur self make it
jewishxdrummer (9:58:33 PM): people can be friends they can give opinions
jewishxdrummer (9:58:46 PM): but nothing is evr gunna change how i am unless i want to
jewishxdrummer (9:58:57 PM): if people dont like me they way i am thats there problem
jewishxdrummer (9:59:04 PM): ok im not scared 2 declare what i think
jewishxdrummer (9:59:09 PM): i speak whats on my mind
jewishxdrummer (9:59:20 PM): and if ur not gunna beleive in urself who is
jewishxdrummer (9:59:41 PM): if ur not gunan get aneducation 2 get a job 2 be able 2 raise a family and have a house whos gunna ddo it
set on motion (9:59:50 PM): no one
jewishxdrummer (9:59:58 PM): everything in this fucking stupid republic econemy depends on how u make it work
set on motion (10:00:07 PM): you have to do these things for yourself and you can't let people get in your way and ruin it for you
jewishxdrummer (10:00:18 PM): ok man
jewishxdrummer (10:00:22 PM): if i wanna do something
jewishxdrummer (10:00:23 PM): im gunan do it
jewishxdrummer (10:00:27 PM): if poeple wanna be in my way
jewishxdrummer (10:00:31 PM): ill make them out of my wya
jewishxdrummer (10:00:35 PM): they can be my enemy
jewishxdrummer (10:00:38 PM): or my friend
jewishxdrummer (10:00:41 PM): their choice
set on motion (10:00:44 PM): yea
jewishxdrummer (10:00:49 PM): i spit on those who get in my way
jewishxdrummer (10:00:53 PM): because u know
jewishxdrummer (10:00:53 PM): man
jewishxdrummer (10:00:56 PM): this is life
jewishxdrummer (10:01:03 PM): u wake up u go 2 skool u deal with pressure
jewishxdrummer (10:01:06 PM): thast life
jewishxdrummer (10:01:12 PM): wining aint gunna do shit
jewishxdrummer (10:01:22 PM): so if u want to make a stand you make a stand
jewishxdrummer (10:01:25 PM): an if you dont
jewishxdrummer (10:01:29 PM): then get out of the way
jewishxdrummer (10:01:32 PM): and clear the path
jewishxdrummer (10:01:34 PM): for people lik eme
jewishxdrummer (10:01:36 PM): who will
jewishxdrummer (10:01:45 PM): because im fucking sick and tried of this bullshit
jewishxdrummer (10:01:50 PM): people trying 2 make things better
jewishxdrummer (10:01:55 PM): no 1 knows whats best 4 me but me
jewishxdrummer (10:02:07 PM): no 1 can say they know how i feel because they dont
jewishxdrummer (10:02:20 PM): winners never quit and quiters never win
jewishxdrummer (10:02:30 PM): now sehar can say all the shit she wnats think what she wants
jewishxdrummer (10:02:32 PM): but
jewishxdrummer (10:02:34 PM): if shes gunna say shit
jewishxdrummer (10:02:37 PM): let it be right
jewishxdrummer (10:02:40 PM): but u know what
jewishxdrummer (10:02:45 PM): i dont even fucking care
set on motion (10:02:55 PM): you shouldn't
jewishxdrummer (10:02:56 PM): i dont need people who try 2 make my life like thiers
set on motion (10:03:03 PM): if she's gonna judge you then she wasn't really your friend
jewishxdrummer (10:03:16 PM): i need friends 2 back me up on my ideas not swap them with them
jewishxdrummer (10:04:03 PM): things changed u know wut im fucking 13 i know wut life is like im goin thru my own shit
jewishxdrummer (10:04:21 PM): this is a society
jewishxdrummer (10:04:27 PM): where if
jewishxdrummer (10:04:32 PM): you dont help you
jewishxdrummer (10:04:34 PM): no 1 will
jewishxdrummer (10:04:43 PM): if you dont feed you no 1 wil
jewishxdrummer (10:04:52 PM): sure ur parents raise u save ur money
jewishxdrummer (10:04:56 PM): but then u grow up
jewishxdrummer (10:05:23 PM): people wont alwyas be there for you
jewishxdrummer (10:05:43 PM): u gotta
jewishxdrummer (10:05:48 PM): be ur own bestfriend
set on motion (10:05:55 PM): uh huh
jewishxdrummer (10:05:56 PM): me myself and i
jewishxdrummer (10:06:02 PM): those are your best friends
jewishxdrummer (10:06:17 PM): and now i think i am boring u
jewishxdrummer (10:06:20 PM): with this convo
set on motion (10:06:57 PM): no
set on motion (10:07:00 PM): you're not
jewishxdrummer (10:07:09 PM): im speaking wuts on my mind
jewishxdrummer (10:07:11 PM): ok
jewishxdrummer (10:08:00 PM): because you see thats life
jewishxdrummer (10:08:06 PM): deal with what you got
jewishxdrummer (10:08:14 PM): don ask for what you dont nee
jewishxdrummer (10:08:25 PM): get what u need
jewishxdrummer (10:08:26 PM): and live life
jewishxdrummer (10:08:31 PM): like every 1
jewishxdrummer (10:08:40 PM): its how life works
jewishxdrummer (10:08:42 PM): wether
jewishxdrummer (10:08:44 PM): people like it
jewishxdrummer (10:08:45 PM): or not

Shelby and I had a very long and thorough discussion about this issue and even though its long i think we would both appreciate it if you would read it... and comment and tell me your opinion

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