May 13, 2004 19:04
Kelly wasn't in bio today. so that sucked and i worked with the elephant girl and the other one. I dont even know their names.
It's all blah until photo when I made a print. Actually it was mostly brendan leonard making the print and explaining to me what the fuck he was doing. But it's a grade so i dont even care. he was nice about it anyway and he invited me to go to his show in quincy so i may hit that up if someone will go with me. and i'm disgustingly proud of my picture. I want to show everybody.
Dana made me laugh so hard after 7th period. Im glad shes an honest person. she talks to my head.
Anyway mark came home with me after that. We went to building 19. I think our original plan was to beg for employment, but once we got there it was evident we had too many teeth to work there. So we sought out to find the absolute ugliest couch ever, which we did and sat on it for the better part of an hour. just talking. Then this weird couple walked by which resulted in the following conversation/repremand:
lady: getting a little too cozy on that couch.
man: just because its a love seat doesn't mean you have to MAKE LOVE on it.
(they both erupt into idiotic laughter)
Some people are so dumb. we were sitting about 90 feet away from each other on this ratty orange couch. mark just made this hillarious face and i couldn't be angry anymore. I asked if he wanted to find another couch and he said no. so we stayed for tea. Blah blah. Hes a good kid. makes me laugh soooo hard. Probably more than anyone. then this guy that looked just like zz top told us we should get an ice cold coke or something. I dont even know.
We walked back to my house through the cemetary and we saw a gravestone that read michael francis.
we saw two dogs, one of which jumped all over us and left spit all over mark. I asked him where he thought people went after death and he said only caspers dad really knows that. So we went back and talked some more. He did some nyquil shots. Because he's hillarious and not a drug addict.
about a million other things happened, but they are really only things that would bore about everyone a million times more than this entry already has.
theres no arguement.