Jul 04, 2007 21:41
Super Social Experiment
Super Social Experiment
Not much has happened this last week (well nothing I want to post about), I got drunk, passed out, went for lunch with Nick and Jules, (waited for 3 hours for it), watched 'Snakes on a Plane', started reading 'War and Peace', watched 10 hours of 'Band of Brothers' and went to work on Monday.
That over with, what am I going to rant and rave about now?
Well on Saturday at lunch, while topping ones self up with a pint or two of Worthington's. I explained my theory on 'how Magpies are sent by God' to a befuddled Jules and Nick.
To give you an abridge version:
Was on a train, very board, I saw some Magpies. Had the strangest thought that 'what if Magpies where sent by God?' and at that exact moment, went past a church with a ray of light shining down on it… Just like in the movies! It was defiantly a sign.
Well that got me thinking. If (karma, god, the great magnet, Derek the friendly deity??), sent me a sign I should show proper respect.
Just a side note, so I don't sound a complete wacko. I am deeply, deeply superstitious about Magpies, grids and empting wine bottles.
Anyway back on track, in the Barley, having just offloaded this leftfield idea to my comrades, I hit on the question…
If you see 1 Magpie and then another 5 minutes later, does that count as 1 or 2? Does seeing all the Magpies at once make it a 'stronger' prediction?
After mulling this over, I decided for the good of the nation and loonies everywhere. I should run a social experiment to answer these burning questions. And Nick and Jules agreed I was just the man for the task…
So I am going to research Magpie's, superstitions, and along side that record for one month the effect of Magpie viewing on my life. I will rate each instance of a scale on 1 to 5 and compare this with Magpie hits. From this data I hope to predict an optimal 'Magpie Horizon' where the quality of Magpie counts improves my life. I shall endeavour to keep you all up to date on my blog.
Wish me luck.
PS: Remember:
1 For sorrow
2 For Joy
3 For a girl
4 For a boy
5 For silver
6 For gold
7 For a secret never to be told…