Dec 08, 2007 00:31
So, I now live with people who are older than a lot, they are between 55 and 60 years old. Amazing experience. It's very interesting to observe them, they have completely different set of values, they have totally different worries than I do. They look at world differently.
The biggest thing that i realized though is that I take a lot of things for granted. The most important one of them is time. Don't get me wrong, these people have been living a good life, they've raised 3 kids, they worked hard their entire life's. The point that i am trying to make here though is that I noticed that I've never thought of my life as a finite concept before. This false assumption of thinking that we are going to be around forever seems so common between all younger folks. I've never met a person in his or her twenties that thought, oh shit, 20 to 25 percent of my life is gone already, i'd better use the rest of what is left wisely. And this is not about smaller things like my pathological addiction to computer games, I spent hours playing them when not enrolled in school. This is more so about the bigger picture. Very often poor decisions that we make cost us dearly. We get so easily frustrated about material loses yet we rarely feel badly about wasted time. This is to be continued...
P.S. This stuffed chicken, the butter-like substance has propensity to squirt out when you bite. The shirt is ruined. Be careful when you eat stuffed chicken next time.