Hello,everybody ! In need of advice (real cases.no thoughts or perceptions е t с )

Jul 02, 2014 20:10

Previously having got good enough visa issuance history (Europe,Japan), my friend,an ordinary law-abiding childed (four times) man was in 2006 diffamated (later estimated the case was found constructed not without the local police interest) underwent prosecution faced the court and (after 2-year hearings and delays,2 attorneys,2 judges,money,nerves...) found guilty of committing a cap.crime though no witnesses,evidence base or motivations were found to present proof.Sentenced suddenly "easy" (children,probably) to 3.5 years on condition without probation.All the theme exhausted by June 2011. The question for those who passed american visa issung procedure SUCCESSFULLY with similar or close to the above conjuncture.Whether it^s worth mentioning such a point at all.Friends,please,only real experience.
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