Aug 10, 2004 10:38
I'm only writing this so I don't feel like my LJ is going to waste. Which it is but whatever. There is plenty to write about, but I'm not going to. I am not quite sure what purpose it serves for me to be posting the intimate details of my life.
I will say this though: hiking in Harriman Park after dark reminds me of just about every horror movie I've ever seen, particularly the Blair Witch Project. Me and a friend went in about two hundred yards into the forest, using a flashlight. It was pitch black without it. We could not agree on which person 'gets it' first, the point man, or the man in the back, so we just walked side by side so the monster/serial killer/rapist/raptor/cult-leader would be confused and end up biting/hacking/raping/mangling/performing-weird-ceremony itself to death. After like ten minutes, and a few hundred yards I started screaming like a little girl and insisted on going back. Then I tried skinny dipping in the stream, which when I stepped into it turned out to be about three inches deep. On the way to the stream, a plant moved in the wind, and therefore so did its shadow, and I thought it was a snake and jumped backwards and screamed.
I have a flyer that is advertising personal property insurance for college students, like if theres a fire or something gets stolen.
Apparently: "There is no coverage for mysterious disappearance (unless stolen), mechanical or electrical breakdown, wear or tear, corrosion and rust, nuclear war or government seizure."
Some of the things not covered are: animals, artificial teeth or limbs, firearms and ammunition. Damn.
Okay. I will now go settle some more affairs that need to be settled before I leave to college.