Aug 22, 2005 00:16
Israel is pulling out of Gaza. This means that the Palestinians there are going to have free access to much bigger and better weapons than they have now. With control of a port, and the lack of Israelis patrolling the
border with Egypt, homemade missiles will be replaced with much longer range, heavier shit. This will put a larger amount of Israeli cities and towns in harms way. Hamas has made it quite clear that they are not laying down arms, and that the pullout is only an encouragement. Terror attacks will increase. Many people will die. The people will scream out for a savior, and a much more hawkish prime minister will come to power.
At that point the only solution will be a full scale invasion of Gaza. The world will see that the Palestinians don't really want peace, and Israel will have strong justification for their presence there. Palestinians will fall out of favor with the world. Thing is, if we're gonna end up right back there, what was the point of kicking people out of their homes. Sharon is an asshole.
Also, I don't see why Palestinians are given an opportunity for self-determination considering theres like a dozen Arab countries next door with essentially the same cultural and traditional values.
War sucks. Can't we all just get along? I honestly don't care if theres Arabs living in Israel. Live and let live. Problem is, they disagree. I just think the world would be a much better place if we got along. That seems incredibly obvious, but the full gravity of that statement hit me only recently. Imagine, for example, what would happen if the U.S. spent 1/10 of the money being spent on the war in Iraq on alternative fuel sources. Instead of fucking up our environment, we'd be drinking water from the exhaust pipes of our cars.
I hope that one day I can walk through the streets of New York, absolutely confident that there is no chance of getting attacked by terrorists. (Not that I carry that fear with me, but I guess its in the back of my head somewhere.)