Apr 22, 2009 05:33
I dated a boy when I was 19 who won me over by giving me a mix tape with early traks/demos from Adam and the Ants, Bauhuas (great recording of Kamakazi Drive on it,
I almost didnt recognise the song, Murphey sang really high pitch and the guitars were..
off, in a good way) and Joy Division.
This song was on it, it was a really dirty, gritty recording and he made a nice cover for it.
I liked him a lot for a while there.
(and then there was.... still a really great track.)
....also on the mix tape he made... I think this might be my fave Joy Division track (Im pretty sure the verson I heard was different, there was "back up" yells at the "at a later date!" bit in the chorus) next to They Walked in Line
* * *
I miss getting mix tapes... another good one was given to me by this Chrissie Hynde look-alike I messed around with in high school.
Stranglers, Crass, X... she had been dateing this exceptionally hot high school english teacher (you know, the one every straight boy wanted) before their cover was blown.
this women was an exe-punk from NY and Vancouver who got my lady friend into all kinds of wicked stuff... coke, women and punk among them.
I bennifited from the arrangement be receiving all sorts of enjoyable to obtain bruises and the best mix-tape ever. (she called me her "skirt"... it was really cute.)...
then she ran screaming back into the closet and and I lost the mix tape.
last thing I heard was that she was straight and running off to be a hair dresser in Vancouver...
I bet her taste in music sucks now.