Title: Asylum
Fandom: Original
Characters/Pairing: unnamed female
Table: Wings
Prompt: 08. Building Wings
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: She'll fly away
Notes: So, this is the first fic I've posted to the internet in about a billion years. Unbeta'd
Every day she labors on them, working carefully, sometimes, ecstatically others. They’ll be perfect, they’ll be beautiful. These wings are going to be her salvation; they'll take her away from this place, far away. To someplace wonderful, she thinks, someplace magical. She builds them out of bits of paper, out of straws, scraps of cloth. She works on them during art therapy. The nurses always smile benignly at her when she says what she’s making. When Jimmy wrecks them she weeps for days, but she rallies and starts over, because she knows she has to fly away from these walls.