another fiscal year, another "government shutdown"

Sep 23, 2013 17:27

The reason "government shutdown" is in quotes is because it is a lie.  Because little of anything really important is actually shutdown.

Because you see the actual people who do work for the government have already received their notices that in the event of a shutdown, they will still be required to report for work and do their jobs, even though their paychecks will be on indefinite hold.  So planes will still fly, borders will still be guarded, the weather reports will still keep coming.  Because the people with the responsibility of those jobs will be at work.

So while Leatherface Boehner and Crypt Keeper Pelosi stand in front of the cameras to explain things, they are lying.  Absolutely nothing coming out of their mouths is even remotely close to the truth.  And the kicker?  They know that we know they are lying.  Yet still will look us in the eye and continue.

What sort of person is that?  I mean really, is this some form of mental syndrome elected officials and many other management types get afflicted with?  Where they simply cannot tell the truth about anything?

And why would there be a need for a government shutdown if they were actually doing their jobs?  Passing a yearly budget is certainly one of their legal responsibilities.  Yet they refuse.  They refuse simply because they don't want to appear as if they are agreeing with a member of the opposite party.  So they pass these idiot continuing resolutions, packed with more lies and mis-direction.

Now, if we want them to put their pointed little heads together and decide to go bomb someone, oh hells yes, they can do that.  But actually do what is right, and more importantly, what is necessary to keep our country running as it should?  Unless it is an election year, they really don't even try to pretend they care.

Call or write your representatives to complain?  Sure.  I do it all the time.  And I am sure I am on a Homeland Security watch list because of it.  But has anything really changed?  I certainly don't see it.

Total complete frustration.

And to all you elected elite, your minions, your family members, and yes, even your pets, all I have to say is :


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