I still smell the coffee that once was.

Dec 06, 2008 00:12

I don't know much of the history behind the band My Bloody Valentine. Critics and the well-versed in music praise it and more tellingly, listen to it. No reason not to listen to some of their work that's easier for the casual music lover to dip into, but I would've listened a lot more if I was introduced 8 years ago and knew for what they stood. Right now I find it hard to get into anything. I suppose many people are driven by the negative, and when that ebbs, so does part of your identity. Many great musicians are (or act) depressed. Then again, many people are depressed, and some of them become great musicians.

...When you come back to life and look at what's what, are you more dull? Or have dramatics become less penetrating? Those things that you thought supported you. Do you still love them? Do I still love them? Do I still love this or that or you? Or does the vestige of a reflex to step back into that make-believe-unattainable mirage that kept me going, does it still have that caffeine?
But it's bitter and stale now. And slowly, slowly, the last liquid grains of an hourglass dribble and, almost...it's almost there. The future? Well, it's infinite. Sometimes it's even the past.

Russ--- Boehme
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