If you don't watch your index finger, there is no knowing where the Internet might sweep you off to.

Aug 29, 2007 19:29

It's sometimes funny on what kinds of strange paths surfing the Internet leads you. The other day, looking for a little procrastination, I strayed into Wikipedia, which happened to have our one an only Moon as the daily front article. It managed to be interesting enough to make me click on it and browse the page. Way down at the bottom, I found a still from the silent film "Le Voyage dans la Lune" - the one that features that popular image of a rocket sticking in the moon's eye. Being much more of a 90's rock fan than an old silent films fan, I actually only recognised it from the video to the Smashing Pumpkin's "Tonight, Tonight". Two clicks later I was browsing through the song's page, where I stumbled over this link:


Half of their choices aren't really serious, but I got to see a lot of great videos I haven't seen in many years.

Since, I'm in a complete old-amazing-music-videos nostalgia.

Unfortunately, many of the video links don't work, I will therefore burden myself (read: frown my own geekiness) to post some of my favourites here.

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Orbital ~ The Box

What more could a music video need but Tilda Swinton running around in a city at night in slow motion. Exactly: nothing.
Besides, monsters do exist!

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New Order ~ True Faith

Yeah... not from the 90's, but what the heck. The song gets me every time, and you cannot not love the video.

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Nine Inch Nails ~ The Perfect Drug

The use of dark blue and neon green is simply awesome. A really unique atmosphere.
And the coolest-looking requisites and locations ever.

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The White Stripes ~ Fell in Love with a Girl

The LEGO!!

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Radiohead ~ Karma Police

Objectively, there might be better Radiohead videos. I chose this because it is the only Radiohead song to which I really click. Can't access most of their other music.
There must be something wrong with me.

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The Smashing Pumpkins ~ Tonight, Tonight

You expected this one, didn't you? On the Wikipedia page, there's a shocking info: Originally they planned a totally different video. Shortly before they were going to shoot it, they got to know that another well-known band was making a very similar video, so they changed their concept. The band was the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the song "Aeroplane". I won't post that video here, so if you don't know it, go google. And then try to imagine "Tonight, Tonight" playing to it. This is just soo wrong.
I could post many more videos from that list here, but I think it's enough for now. Especially since there are quite a lot of great videos that I miss.  

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The Smashing Pumpkins ~ Disarm

An extremely simple video, but the black and white and the floating just fit perfectly to the song.

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Björk ~ Bachelorette

They feature quite some Björk videos on their list, but my personal favourite is missing! And my second favourite, "Joga", too!

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The Chemical Brothers ~ Hey Boy, Hey Girl

"Believe" would belong here, too, but I'm going more for older videos right now. Though the second part of this video is great and very amusing, I'm really in love with the first part. Great atmosphere there which later gets lost a little.
*dinosaur-geeky screams at the shot of the Diplodocus!!!!*

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Pearl Jam ~ Do the Evolution

Sure, it's only some animation. Still, one of the most disturbing videos I know.

Bah! Youtube doesn't have the Eels' "Cancer for the Cure". Buggers.

I'm closing with this...

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The Avalanches ~ Frontier Psychiatrist

...and I shall leave it uncommented. ;D

If you're looking for any conclusions here, you're looking in the wrong place.

But feel invitied to comment with your favourite videos. :)
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