May 29, 2007 16:55

1. What do you think of Winston Churchill?
*shrugs* I don't know.

2. Do you play a sport? Which?
I used to play basketball for a time, but I sucked at it and so lost interest.

3. Ever got in MASSIVE trouble?
I don't think so. Define massive.

4. Where were you born?

5. How much time do you spend on the computer every day?
Heck, I'm sitting at the computer at the uni most of the time. And I also sit at the computer most of my free time. 13 hours, roughly, I think. At least.
This is kinda frightening.

6. Now answer that question truthfully...
In case you didn't realise: I did!

8. Which one; Monty Python or Doctor Who?
Monty Python is ingenious and I've never watched Doctor Who.

9. How many times have you read LOTR?
Three or four times. But I often read only one or two chapters that I particularly like.

10. To be or not to be?
To be!

11. Did you realise there was no number 7 on this list?
I noticed it.

12. Apart from Tolkien, do you have one overriding obsession?
*points westwards*

13. Doth thou roleplay?
(I don't mean to nitpick, but shouldn't it be "Dost thou roleplay"?)

14. Have you ever emailed/instant messaged a workmate/schoolmate who is like right next to you?
Not next to me, but in an office next to mine.

15. Right wing or Left?
By the European (or at least German) meaning, I take the best of both. Though maybe a tad to the left.
By the American meaning, LEEEFT!

I H8 it.

17. What is your philosophy?
Naïve pessimism.

18. Where is the furthest place from home you've ever been?
Holiday in Croatia (Yugoslavia, then) when I was a child.

19. Where are your descendants from?
I have no desecendants.

20. Are you a heavy consumer?
Not really.

21. Do you watch many films?
I don't think I do. Averagely, I guess.

22. Do you like cheese?
Yes, but not soft cheese.

23. How many forums/websites are you a member of?
Three, all of them Tolkien-related. I'm only really active on the Downs, though.

24. Ever entered your password in the microwave?
Even if I had one, how would I do that? And why?

25. What is a very hot temperature over there?
I define anything above 25 C as unbearable, though unfortunately that is probably still far from being "very hot" over here.

1. Something nice that happened to you today?
Nothing bad has happened to me since I got up. That has to be good enough.

2. When did you first read your favourite book?
24 or 25. Bad memory.

3. What is your favourite film?

4. Can you swim properly?
Of course!

5. Are you bigger or smaller than your parent who is the same gender as you?
I'm one or two inches taller.

6. Do you watch sports?
Football and basketball.

Borussia Dortmund ~ Arminia Bielefeld ~ VfB Stuttgart ~ Dallas Mavericks

7. What language do you find the most beautiful?
I think every language has its own beauty.

8. Which colour best describes the person you stole this meme from?
I stole it from Kath ~ violet.
Don't ask me why.

9. What is/was your favourite school subject?
Math, Geography, History and Sports. Also English while I still had a teacher I got along with well.

10. Have you ever seen a live penguin? If yes, what was seeing it like?
I probably did when I went to the zoo when I was a child. I don't remember how it was like.

11. Which ww role you enjoy the most?
Having played a lot of fancy gifted or evil stuff lately, I think the role of the ordo is the best. It's werewolf in its purest form.

12. Do you resemble your parents and your siblings (if you have any)?
I look very similar to my father except that he has darker hair.

13. What colour are the walls of your toilet?

14. What were you like as a baby or a toddler?
I was a LOT more outgoing than I became while growing up.

15. Are you younger or older than most of your friends?
I'm in the middle.

16. What colour are your socks?

17. What is the worst film you've ever seen?
I don't remember bad films.

18. What is/was your least favourite school subject?
Politics and Social Science. Even though I'm moderately interested in politics, it dragged the life right out of me. I also didn't like German (my first language, if you don't know already). I was quite good at it actually, but it was truly boring. Maybe the teacher's fault, maybe not.

19. Do you have a pet?
I used to. Two cockatiels.

20. Do you have long fingernails?
No. I chew them off, I confess.

21. Which book did you last read?
I don't remember. I actually don't read a lot.

22. What did you last eat?
A bar of dark chocolate.

23. How many first cousins do you have?
Four. I'm older than they and all of them are girls.

24. What kind of a chair you're sitting on? Or are you sitting on a chair at all?
Office chair.

25. Do you prefer oil or water colours?
No preference. I can't paint at any level of competence anyway.

26. When did you wake up this morning?
Half past eight. I'm trying to adjust to EST.

27. Do you like Coca-Cola?
Yes. Especially when mixed with a bit of lemon juice.

28. Who was the first person you talked with this morning?
My professor.

29. When does your summer holiday begin?
We're having semester during summer (don't ask me why), so my late summer holiday starts in late July.

30. How warm is it outside right now? What is the weather like?
No idea how warm it is exactly, maybe 15 C. It's raining and the skies are painted in the most enchanting shades of... grey.

31. Do you have a piercing?

32. Have you ever had fringe/bangs?
Far too long. I finally got rid of it at the age of around 14, I think.

33. Do you know anybody whose name begins with the letter X?

34. Do you have white dots on your nails?
I sometimes do, but not now.

35. Would you rather have pointy ears or furry, big feet?
Pointy ears, leaf-shaped.

36. Have you ever got detention?
We don't have detention here, but if we did, then probably once or twice.

37. When did you last eat fast food?
Since I loathe cooking, probably everything I eat counts as fast food. ;D
If you mean when I last ate at a typical fast food restaurant, then maybe a month ago.

38. Name just one country you'd like to visit.
The US of A. Western New York, to be more precise.

39. Can you hear well?
Averagely, I think.

40. Which transport you find the most comfortable or you like the best: car, bus, train, airplane, tram, metro, ship?
Just one word: Autobahn. :D

41. Are you a fast runner?
I think I'm alright. My stamina sucks, though.

42. Do you know anybody with a big gap between their front teeth?
I think I do. ;)

43. Do you recycle?
Of course.

44. Can you peel a potato?
Yes, but the result won't look pretty.

45. What colour are your eyebrows?

46. Snoopy or Garfield?
Snoopy, of course.

47. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Six and a half.

48. Do you like vampires?
Sure I do.

49. Is your teeth colour closer to white or yellow?
Closer to yellow, I'm afraid.

50. Are you procrastinating right now?'
No. These two memes are pivotal to my career plans.
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