Aug 12, 2021 22:08

Excerpts from publications that quietly "hang" in the public domain. Links are attached.

Let's try to reflect and raise the next question - where did the globalists-psychopaths get their insane "inspiration" from, where did they come up with this idea - to arrange a fake pandemic around the world, through which they had the opportunity to carry out a global genocide in the form of mass persecution of peoples the world of deadly slurry, one of the main destructive properties of which is ... sterility . Along with other long-term side effects that threaten human life and health.

Doesn't it all become too suspicious, but rather absolutely the opposite, because when you read the lines below, you begin to understand perfectly where this sinister idea came from - a plan to reduce the world's population through the mass murder of people. And who is her main inspirer and conductor.

What is this, a blind coincidence? Did it just happen by chance? Right now? By the way, pay attention to the following quote:

... “since 1991, humanity has entered the final stage of its existence - the last quarter of the sixth millennium from the Creation of the World (according to the Jewish chronology 1991 = 5750). This time is called the Days of Moshiach and is characterized by global changes in society, politics, economy, science, etc. caused by the coming of the Messiah (Moshiach) and his actions in the world for the onset of complete and final Liberation. "
© Source: https://moshiach.ru/sait/about_us/our_aim.html

Here we go?

“ The Torah cites Bilam's prophecy about the future tense (after the arrival of Moshiach), which says that Moshiach will“ crush all the sons of Sheth ”. According to one commentary, this means that the peoples of the world will be destroyed. What does it mean? How can it be that in the future all nations will perish? In the weekly Torah chapter "Bamidbar" (24:14), Bilam's prophecy about the future time (after the arrival of Moshiach) is given in which, according to the commentary of Even Ezra and other sages, the peoples of the world will be destroyed. So what will happen to the peoples of the world after the arrival of Moshiach - will they remain, or will disappear from the face of the earth.

Zechariah's prophecy says: "And it will be in all the earth, - the word of the Lord: two parts in it will be destroyed and die, and the third will remain in it." The Midrash explains that the third part are Jews and it turns out that in the future two-thirds of the population, that is, the peoples of the world, will perish.

There are commentators who believe that the peoples of the world are in the third part that will remain on earth. But this is difficult to accept, since most commentators believe that it is referring to Jews .

“In addition, according to all the explanations, Resh-Lakish claims that in the future there will be no peoples of the world. It could be assumed that this is not about physical extermination, but about the fact that in the future the peoples of the world will cease to produce offspring and will die out on their own. "

It is known that the power of childbearing is given from the Almighty, and a person does not have this power by himself. But this explanation is unacceptable, since after in the future “all will serve Gd together” it is not clear why the Almighty will deprive the peoples of the world of the power of childbearing ...

Hence it is necessary to conclude that all explanations that in the future the peoples of the world will disappear from the face of the earth cannot be taken literally. And the dispute about how many people will remain should be understood as an explanation of how this will happen. But since the Liberation will come mainly for the Jews, it should be noted that the change in the state of the world is associated with the liberation of the Jews. This echoes the fact that the creation of the world happened for the Jews.

And this is how the dispute of the sages should be understood: will the peoples of the world feel the Liberation for themselves as a result of the Liberation of the Jews, or they will feel the Liberation as their own. According to the first approach, the Liberation in the world will occur only for Jews - so that Jews can teach the Torah and keep the commandments in perfection. Therefore, it is not enough to stop the oppression against the Jews, but the whole world must be corrected and then it will be a suitable place for the Jews.

In accordance with the first approach, according to which the Liberation in the world will occur only for the Jews, it turns out that the existence of the peoples of the world as such will cease - “they will be exterminated and die”. And not only as peoples, but also as individuals.

It should be added that when the Almighty rules over the whole earth, there will be a difference between the Jews and the peoples of the world. All creatures in the world, including the peoples of the world, are creatures created by the Almighty, as Rambam writes: "all beings in heaven and on earth, as well as between them, do not exist otherwise than because of the truth of His existence." But as for the Jews, it is said about them: "The Jews and the Most High are one."


“We have already written that in the future the peoples of the world will help Jews. However, the prophecy of Zechariah (13: 8) speaks of the impending destruction of people: "And it will be in all the earth, - the word of the LORD: two parts in it will be destroyed, they will die, and the third will remain in it." At first glance, we are talking about the extermination of two-thirds of all humanity. Moreover, our sages add that the remaining third is the Jewish people.

Will the peoples of the world disappear from the face of the earth? After all, this contradicts what was said (Psalms 145: 9): "The Lord is good to everyone and His mercy is on all His creatures." Is it possible to call the destruction of people "mercy"?

Indeed, as the Rebbe King Moshiach explains, this prophecy (like many others in the TANAKH) will be fulfilled only in a spiritual sense. We can say that the peoples of the world will cease to consider themselves important and significant. But as for the Jews, their inner essence will be revealed - unity with the Almighty and, therefore, their importance will only increase.

Today we are witnessing a paradox: on the one hand, there are many peoples of the world who help Jews fulfill the commandments of the Torah, which was practically not the case in the past. Moreover, among them there are those who once hindered the Jews, but now have radically changed their behavior and attitude towards us. On the other hand, there are those who are fighting against the Jewish people and the integrity of the Holy Land of Israel.

(note: the Jews themselves claim that they have no right to any country at all, including Israel. An article on the topic "Zionists have realized rivers of blood" https://ruslesnik888.livejournal.com/18387.html )

As for our supporters, according to the explanation of the Rebbe of King Moshiach, their presence is evidence that all humanity is approaching the final of its existence - the onset of Liberation. This process itself influences on a subconscious level the peoples of the world and makes them help Jews. "

(Just read these lines!

According to the Jews, is humanity that will try to resist its destruction - "the forces of evil and the enemies of the Jews"?

Can you still remember when you met such a sophisticated substitution of concepts? I can say with complete confidence that no. Author's note. )

“Then how can you explain the presence of our opponents? It turns out that since the forces of evil seek to prevent the onset of Liberation, since this means their disappearance, they clothe themselves in our enemies and hinder us in every possible way. "

© Source: https://moshiach.ru/bneinoach/articles/10160.html

Conclusions? ...

Израиль, engl, Сионизм, агенда 21, english, террор, иудаизм, принудительная вакцинация, преступление над детьми

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