So perhaps I should give up on this regular-posting-in-livejournal-thing for the summer. The past few weeks have been amazing. I enrolled in and completed Bartending school. (I'm a New York Trade School certified Mixologist)... My internship is going well. I am a mean grant-writing machine. Last weekend was Pride, so Adam of west virginia (not to be confused by Adam: my boyfriend, who is laying on my shoulder as I type this) and I went to the Parade. The gays in New York sure know how to parade about. 300,000 people were IN the parade. It took like 4 hours to watch the whole thing... totally insane. My favorite group in the parade was a group of women called SWISH: Straight Women in Support of Homos ... because Fabulous is a Family Value...
Pride was exhausting but I am very glad I went.
So this week Adam (the boyfriend) came up from charlotte. We've been doing it New York Style. Yesterday was our 3 month anniversary... We got 1/2 price tickets to see "The Producers"... It was so incredibly funny. Afterward, we went to a cafe and I exposed bubble tea. His reaction was much more positive than Laura's polite disgust. He actually chewed the bubbles. Poor Laura, stricken forever to have sticky tapioca bubbles in her throat.
people need to check out
The Isotoners , I saw them at pride. They are amazingly funny.