Title: Heaven's Not Enough
Author: ruskiebiz
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Up to 5x10
Warnings: Angst, action, violence, etc.
Summary: The story involves a few Angels who have sided with Lucifer target Dean and want him dead. With Dean out of the way, they hope it will leave Sam vulnerable to say yes to Lucifer. Although Castiel helps Dean through this, Dean ultimately proves he's able to overcome the odds against him all by himself.
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here I saw so many things
But like a dream
Always losing me in a cloud
Cause i couldn't cry
Cause i turned away
Couldn't see the score
Didn't know the pain
Of leaving yesterday really far behind
In another life
In another dream
By a different name
Gave it all away
For a memory
And a quiet lie
And i felt the face
Of a cold tonight
Still don't know the score
But i know the pain
Of leaving everything really far behind
And if i could cry
And if i could live what truth i did then take me there
Heaven goodbye
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. xD Dedicated to a wish made by