summer holiday musings

Dec 12, 2011 01:08

Feel that Christmas spirit in the air yet folks?

It's gonna be a bit of a different Christmas for me this year.  I'll be having Christmas at sea!  Yep, not the traditional place to be on Christmas Day, but the 2 week cruise I'm going on with my family goes over Christmas Day (and my birthday for that matter) so it'll be kind of interesting to do something different as my extended family don't do the massive Christmas thing anymore... and we're not even that close with one side of the family/relatives (one of my Aunties/Uncle and one set of cousins I don't even really see anymore) and also some of my family live overseas... so... Christmas is not the huge affair that it used to be when I was younger.

Anyway, it's a Princess cruise, on the Dawn Princess, around... yes, I do mean around, New Zealand.  I can't wait to check out all the different cities... it docks at pretty much all the major cities, except Christchurch unfortunately, due to the damage to the pier from the earthquake. Would've been good to be able to go there but there's an alternative port that's not very far south of there that we get to go to instead.

Plus, the nice bonus is that it's usually quite a few degrees cooler in NZ than here, for obvious reasons, lol, particularly on the South Island, so that'll be nice... even though it's supposedly not even expected to be that hot here over Chrissy anyway.

So, I'll be leaving in a few days, from Port Melbourne.  Yayz!

We haven't even put up a Christmas tree this year! lol... we've only put up one strand of lights and some big light-up stars on one of the front windows. hehe, lame effort I know - but we won't even be here over Chrissy to enjoy it... but that's okay...

...coz me likez boats!  Boats are fun. XD

Now all I need to do is check if there's any nice sturdy railings on the back of this thing and go hang around on 'em and wait for my very own Jack Dawson to show up.  hmmm...or not... that shit got messy!  XD

Oh, and my new iPhone 4S finally arrived!  My trust old iPhone 3G was letting me down so it was time to finally upgrade - I waited a few models before getting a new one until they improved the camera and I was glad I did. The internet speed on the new one is actually usable as well and goes to show how slow the old one had gotten.

Never thought you'd actually be able to talk to your phone to set your alarm one day! Magic, I say... magic!

So, what are you guys doing for Christmas?  Let me know your plans.  Hope you all had a nice weekend too.

princess cruises, christmas, dawn princess, new zealand, iphone 4s, holidays, holiday, cruise, nz, cruising

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