(no subject)

Dec 15, 2004 06:29

OMG it's fricking cold, it's 6:30am and I need a shower because I smell like Oscar the Grouch. Okay, not really, but I love my daily showers-they're the only time I can get/stay warm at my house unless I'm getting a hug from Dave. The only cool part about school yesterday was watching Breakfast Club. I have an english test today on stuff I know absolutely nothing about because the person who borrowed my book STILL HAS IT!!!!! Whoever thought one could fail English (or it's what's going to happen) on the sole basis of letting someone borrow a book?! I will find that person, track them down, and % ally" beat them. I don't care if it's verbal or just a kick in the a$$ they need to have sense knocked into them. As Conlan says whenever anyone's being a jerk to me: "What is wrong with you?!? No one can pick on Lexa-she's too nice!" Okay, well anyway it's time for my infamous shower. Brr I'm gonna freeze outside. I need a winter hat. Only, I never will wear winter hats. Because... umm... I don't know. I just don't.


10:57am Update
I AM IN SCHOOL! GAH! Okay so anyway yesterday was exceedingly fun! I showed Shanan an undisclosed LJ to of of my friends muahahaha! Only, the friend doesn't know I have his/her LJ name at my disposal. Only, it's no one anyone in NYS would know. So booyah and welcome to Kuzcotopia, the ULTIMATE summer getaway! Oh, and if you need me, I'm at the beach. But you'd know that if you read my away message. It's scary what a great mood I'm in considering I live in the Antarctic climate of the Capital District.

Excerpt from Breakfast Club:
"What is THAT?!?"
"That is my lunch!"
"What is it?!"
"Oh, you'll eat that but you won't let a guy's tongue in your mouth?"

5:42pm Update
I have not seen him in 1/6th of a month. That is a very long time. I WANT CANDY AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!

Love always,
Miss Hug D. Prived
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