Well I',m going through some of my Rush Vault and surfing through all that, and well I just started watching these collections of Interviews that Geddy and Alex did about the Vapor Trails album. I loved that album because it was such an emotional record and it was really good - even though it was a little harsh sounding due to the Mastering, I still believe it still worth it. The Album to me is strong and dark, it really hits hard towards Neil's life after all that he went through. "One Little Victory" has to be one of my fav. tunes on the album just cause it's jammy and tough, but I also loved the whole album-from "Ceiling Unlimited" to "Stars Look Down" to "Earthshine" to "Out of The Cradle"! It was such a great album cause I do remember being really excited and just was impatencent-I was waiting 1over a year to hear the album!
1. One Little Victory
2. Ceiling Unlimited
3. Ghost Rider
4. Peaceable Kingdom
5. The Stars Look Down
6. How It Is
7. Vapor Trail
8. Secret Touch
9. Earthshine
10. Sweet Miracle
11. Nocturne
12. Freeze - Part IV of "Fear"
13. Out of the Cradle