My Test

Oct 17, 2006 13:09

So I took a personality test in my Values class. Tell me if you guys think it meets who I am. Apparently Im an ENFP. It is somewhat long though!

For ENFPs the dominant quality in their lives is their attention to the outer world of possibilities; they are excited by continuous involvement in anything new, whether it be new ideas, new people, or new activities. Though ENFPs thrive on what is possible and what is new, they also experience a deep concern for people as well.
Thus, they are especially interested in possibilities for people. ENFPs are typically energenic, enthusiastic people who lead spontaneous and adaptable lives.

Intuition constantly draws ENFPs to the new.ENFPs like, want, even must do new things or at least do old things in new ways.This drive arises out of their experience that whatever is over the horizon is always more interesting than what is here and present. They charge off with excitement and inspiration in whatever direction intuition points them. With their orientation to the new, ENFPs are natural brainstormers, and look to the future with optimism. They are creative,active, and imaginative. ENFPs enjoy starting and becoming involved in initial stages of a project but usually have less interest in follow-through. ENFPs tend to be very spontaneous, flexible, and adaptable people. What may look like difficulty in commiting is a manifestation of their desire to miss nothing. After all, deciding prematurely means they might close off many interesting options down the road.

Feeling provides ENFPs with a way to focus and critique their vision, but feeling is always secondary to the driving energy of their intuition. Feeling often molds the ENFPs visions into possibilites for people. They are concerned with personal growth, identity, and authenticity, both for themselves and for others. ENFPs want to be free to be themselves, to express themselves, and they want others to feel free to do the same. ENFPs may also be skilled in percieving what is important to others, and what others are thinking: a valuable skill in any people-oriented profession. ENFPs are idealistic, believing their vision of the highest possibilites for people are true now or can be made true in short order.

ENFPs want and need involvement with people, and they value harmony in those relationships. ENFPs derive great pleasure from meeting and talking with others, and they enjoy opportunities to think out loud. ENFPs are expressive and often have intense emotional responses to happenings and to people in their lives;vital emotional experiences is of great importance to them. ENFPs like others to be as excited as they are by new ideas and new involvements, and they naturally focus on commonalities in relationships. This focus, in conjunction with their concern for others and their ability to take a global perspective, often leads to skills in negotiation or mediation.

With their combination of intuition and feeling, ENFPs tend to think globally and metaphorically. They are often verbally gifted, particulary in conversation. ENFPs look for the meaning behind statements and events. As a result, they can be skilled integrators of information and ideas, and they are often good at reading between the lines in conversation. They love learning new things , and love looking for new perspectives on facts, events, and people. ENFPs typically learn more by focusing on broad issues and are less concerned with the working out of their ideas.

ENFPs are people poeple; they are usually gregatious by nature, and they are often performers. ENFPs usually have a wide-ranging network of friends, acquaintences, and business contacts. They are naturals for work that requires meeting, persuading, or motivating others. ENFPs are catalysts for change and generators of ethusiasm, and they are often found in counseling, psychology, teaching, the helping professions, or personal work. ENFPs may also have interests in the humanities and the arts, particulary the dramatic arts. Their adaptability and imagination help ENFPs to develop skills in almost any area of interest.

ENFPs are typically intolerant of routine, and they need variety in their work. Their perception of time is open-ended, and they like work that allows them to have a variety of projects going on at once. They need to find a placehere they can use their abilities to generate new ideas and to look at things in creative ways. Though they are concerned with people, ENFPs are typically quite independent and tend not to be great upholders of tradition. In fact, it is natural for ENFPs to push boundaries and to redefine rules.

ENFPs are usually seen as warm, charming, and friendly. At times, however, others may feel overwhelmed by the energy and excitement of the ENFP. In relationships, they are typically supportive, express appreciation freely, and they like to recieve feedback as well. ENFPs may overconcerned with harmony at times. As a result, they may have been seen as having difficulty standing their ground or confronting others.

There is some more but I am tired of typing!!!! Tell me what you guys think, like which parts applied to me or did not. Writing a paper on this should be annoying.
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