Sep 20, 2005 19:16
Yeah not much going on with me i guess it sucks im not seeing any of my friends anymore and it sucks ass i really miss there complany and stuff expecailly like 3 of em but yah know hey what am i gonna do. Hopefully i see them for my birthday and stuff thatd be cool. My party is October 9th for anyone who wnats to show up its just gonna be a bunch of people playing haning out chinnling out you know just what i like to do. So i hope you all cna make it and stuff id really liek to see you all there yah know. Other than that tim is our defenite new lead guitar player and im thinking about having him play his lead track over our orginal demop and out a new one out for anyone who wnats to hear it and stuff. But toher than that ahh not much else i ahve to say well not much i can say to everyone yah know talk to you all later hopefully.