Google Chrome has continued to move along, adding new features, and finally LJ Juggler has caught up. With a few of the new Chrome APIs, I've been able to massively overhaul the extension. It now uses the same authentication methods that ljlogin for Firefox does. (Again, huge thanks to the people behind that for being open-source. Bouncing through their code helped me solve a number of issues related to lack of documentation for LiveJournal APIs. THANKS!)
There have been some other changes, but the security is the big one. As a side-effect, it's now fast. Like, blisteringly so. I've been using it for a couple of days and I'm loving it. (It also does all the login stuff in a background page so you can do other stuff with the browser while it's working.)
But for some reason I can't figure out, auto-update doesn't seem to be working. Which is VERY ANNOYING. Anyway, if you want to update to the newest version, you can just click
right here.
Hopefully I'll get the auto-update thing working so that you don't have to do this next time, but whatevs.
Coding can be a headache,