As many of you know I've been deeply buried in school for over a year now, and especially buried in school over the last few months as I work to wrap up my thesis.
Well, tomorrow at 1pm (Eastern) that's all over. I present my thesis, hand in my paper, and am done with school. It's a weird feeling thinking about having time to do stuff again, but I'm looking forward to it. I don't know who's interested or has time during that slot, but I figured I'd toss out the link that'll be live-streaming all the presentations (
That link will be live all week, and with a hundred graduating students there are going to be a lot of presentations (noon to nine, Monday through Friday). If you get a free moment and find yourself curious about what I've been doing for the past two years, I recommend tuning in. It's basically a grab-bag of people doing everything from designing musical instruments to building art installations to studying internet behavior to trying to visualize the links between ideas people care about and new stories.
Anyway, just wanted to toss that out there. Now I'm off to put the finishing touches on my presentation and paper.
See you on the flip side,