Might as well crosspost so I don't lose track...

Dec 27, 2008 00:17

Title: Deceiving by Appearances
Fandom: Battle Royale II
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None. Happens pre-movie.
Summary: If Tetsuya wanted to join a gang to take out Nanahara, he was going to have to look the part first. That was the part he was regretting.


His father was dead. And this meant that he could get away with rather a lot due to excessive grief -he actually didn't feel that sorry for himself, as his father was military and never really tended to be around much anyway- but there were a few necessary things that he needed to do as well.

To start with, he would probably have to join a gang of vicious revenge-crazed thugs to try and take out Nanahara. To do that -it sounded less difficult than it actually was, particularly as Tetsuya wasn't particularly social, polite, friendly or respectful at the best of times and it was more likely that any attempt at this would end in him fighting the entire gang on his own after insulting the leader in as many different ways as he could think of- he might as well make himself look the part.

So, one seriously ugly haircut later -it had been necessary, not just for the look, but for the historical symbolism involved, even if he had winced a little after looking in the mirror for the first time-, he looked slightly more like a gang member. He also thought that it made him look like an idiot -incidentally, all four of his eventual comrades would later agree with that statement- but that couldn't be helped, he supposed.

The next step would be to get himself expelled from his normal and decisively average school, in order to end up at the worst school that he could find. Which meant that he needed to find a school made up of nothing but delinquents, truants and psychopaths. He briefly considered getting himself arrested for something in order to help the bad reputation that he was going to need for this part of the plan, but decided against it.

He did eventually manage that, but the gang members involved -and the class as a whole, to be completely honest- weren't entirely what he was expecting. For a start, they weren't particularly vicious -although Kurosawa was a fucking nightmare if he wasn't allowed at least three cups of coffee in the morning and Nanami would be happy to maim anyone that even looked at him in the wrong way- and, aside from a little bullying on Kurosawa's part, and a bit of petty theft on Maezono's, they didn't really do much to justify the title of 'thugs' either. Tetsuya himself had just acted normally, possibly skipped a few more pieces of homework than he would have done before he transferred in, been a bit more abrasive and outgoing than usual and counted on the appearance to do everything else.

And his plan had all worked out.

So far.

christmas challenge 2008, prompt: one symbolic haircut, fandom: battle royale ii

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