Title: Forgiveness.
Fandom: Battle Royale II
Characters: Haruya Sakurai, references to both Saki Sakurai and Masami Shibaki.
Claim: General.
Prompt: The Devil
Word Count: 208 words.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Post movie, with quite a lot of spoilage.
He thinks that it's his fault.
This is something that Haruya is not prepared to admit to anyone, but he feels guilty for Masami's death. He knows that he shouldn't -after all, he's not the person that killed him- but sometimes, when he's alone, he thinks that if he had held his ground in the tunnel and not let Masami walk in front of him, maybe he would still be here.
He wonders if Saki felt like this. His sister, willing to die so that she wouldn't have to live with all of that guilt on her conscience. She had actually been able to pull the trigger and shoot someone that she cared about, in order to save herself. And her boyfriend hadn't been the last person that she had killed. He'd seen her shoot members of his class without batting an eyelid.
He'd seen her shoot his friends without caring.
And now she was dead too, and he was the last member of his family alive. She hadn't been able to forgive herself and move on, so she died. He's not sure, but he thinks that -with time and some patience- he can live with himself.
He thinks that might be what Masami wanted him to do.