TITLE: Emptiness
rushikayu13FANDOM: Torchwood
PROMPT: #8 -Apart
WORD COUNT: 306 words.
SUMMARY: Written in between the Doctor Who episodes 'Utopia' and 'The Sound of Drums'. A look at Torchwood in the Himalayas.
WARNINGS: None serious. Mild Owen bashing.
DISCLAIMER: ...Nope. I wish I did, but I don't. :D
Since Mr Saxon -who he had refused to vote for, although Gwen had- hadn't given them orders to return to Cardiff, they had decided to take a holiday.
They had taken shelter in a small cave. Of course, Owen was complaining about the cold, the bleakness, the air pressure, the colour of the sky, the lack of civilisation, and anything else he could think of to anyone that would listen.
He rather liked the Himalayas, really. It was quiet, and majestic. And more importantly, it wasn't the Hub. It didn't have little things that reminded him of Jack everywhere he looked. Like the little army figure paperweights that he didn't like people to see, but still occasionally left out for him to clean up. Like the bottles of BBQ sauce that he bought for Myfanwy and eventually used to douse Lisa with.
Like the archives themselves. Whenever he looks on the archives for an identification of an alien, or an artefact that they've never seen before, it often seems like he can't escape mentions of Jack, or one of the Doctors.
"It's worse than the trip to the countryside, really."
"Fine. We'll go back, and this time you can be cannibalised. I'll even bring flowers to your grave." Toshiko has had enough. And when she has enough, she tends to go up like a firework, and all of that bottled up irritation explodes. Usually on Owen.
Not that Ianto usually minds. Their doctor's skin is thicker than that of the average rhino.
They were half a world away from home, Jack was probably on the other side of time and space, and he was stuck in a freezing cave with three people who wouldn't win a popularity contest with a rabid wolf. And for some reason, he was happier here.
Sometimes he didn't even understand himself.