Nov 23, 2004 19:00
Yeah so today def wasn*t one of the best days of my life...
So we had that choir festival today. whoo hoo. it was so boring. but fun. me & lynds had fun. lots of great times there. haha we were going to get on the church hill bus but we decided that it wasnt a very good idea. haha.. yeah so we also saw adams girlfriend.. yeah shes cool? haha.. wow.. i wont comment. Anyway i get home from school & i do pretty much nothing until i find out that i cant go anywhere tonight i can only have people come over to my house. uhg... so yeah danielle might come over just because she has had like the worst day of her life & i love her. so yeah thats my night and day. didnt do very much.. so.. yeah..
Brandon sprry i couldnt come & vitsit you at work today. i couldnt go out! :(
Danielle -- I love you so much babe. Everything Happens For A Reason & I Will Always Be There For You.. no matter what.. when you feel like everyone around you just doesnt care and you feel left out and hurt. ill be there. i love you so much. & your such a amazing friend to me.. ill do anything for you. I LOVE YOU DANIELLE HIRKA!! your my chile forever.. and ever.. and ever..
B e y o u r s el f e v e r y o n e e l s e i s t a k e n . . .
love you girls more than anything i dont know what i would do or where i would be without you!
ten years from now i may not remember what we did those nights or what made us laugh so hard but i will remember my girls were the ones who were there... <3 <3 <3