Silent Lucidity- Sadly, no content additions yet. Soon though, guys. In case you haven't heard, all of BSG will be available to instant play on Netflix in October. I encourage everyone with Netflix to at least watch the BSG mini-series and see if you like the show. I plan to start rewatching the show myself, and updates will start coming after that. For now, I cleaned up the site's CSS a little and made the menu pop more. I hope it makes the site look more appealing and makes browsing easier.
- Some bad news -- I closed the fanlistings that were part of this site. You guys shouldn't miss them; people just have not been joining them, and it was becoming a pain to keep them updated. Fanlisting affiliates, you are welcome to continue being affiliated with Silent Lucidity (the fansite) if you so desire. I'll be contacting you guys shortly.
Basically, I just wanted to clean up the site and get it ready for the content additions that will be popping up in a few weeks. I also started working bigger images into the articles to better illustrate points I make. Check out the "Boomer" sections if you want to see what the entire site will eventually look like. I like the larger images. Haven't gotten to "Athena" or "Et Cetera" yet since image hunting is so time-consuming, but I will.
I thought about just making a new layout for this site, but I like this one a lot. I also like that it matches
Forget Me Not's layout since those two sites are partnered. Both are getting cleaned up, and both should be expanding substantially. Keep your eyes peeled.