Going to start organizing updates a little differently in entries to make browsing my past updates easier. Most sites will start having the latest update listed on its main page for those people who don't follow this journal, or for those who don't use Livejournal period. All updates will still be posted here as well, and this journal will act as an updates archive for most sites. Please still go to this journal if you have comments (I like comments).
An exception (for now) is
Breathe, as its just organized so differently. Its updates will be posted just here and not on its index. This might change later.
Anyway, the reason for this update!:
Ripples- Good news and bad news! The bad first -- After months of it being up and no one joining, I decided to close the fanlisting portion of this site. :( The good -- I gave this site a new look! This layout was made completely in MS Paint for the Back to Basics marathon at Amassment. I knew this would be a fun site to work on in MS Paint, and it definitely was. I hope you guys enjoy it!
The layout is laughable, but fun, and it was a lot of fun to make. I'm amused.