Jan 07, 2008 11:46

one of my unmade resolutions was to post more, and i know grad school life is terribly interesting, so we'll see how that works. i'm still on break, and will be until the 16th, and have still rather quite a list of things to get done before then. [going to ski at least once more is on said list, and will be done tomorrow, and probably next tuesday as well. that's not helping me get the other things done, but oh well. *G*] but if i sit here and list things, a) you'll get bored and b) i'll get annoyed, so i'll refrain. the load of laundry in the dryer is just about done, anyways, so that means i ought to really get going.

i got knocked out last week by the one-two punch of a sinus infection and mild bronchitis, and made good friends with several bowls of soup and mucinex (which, really, is the most terrible name for a drug ever, even though it works like a charm). i've still got some wonkiness in my right ear [nurse practitioner, looking in my left ear: "okay, this is the good one... everything looks fine"; looking in my right ear: {pause} "...ew! this is the bad one! that's really gross!" me, thinking: "um, thanks?"], which i can hear moving around when i blow my nose, and i still can't quite hear out of it properly, so a return to the doctor may be in order. i'd really rather not go on more antibiotics because sweet mother of PEARL these babies are giving me the worst-smelling farts of my life. i'm talking, like, anyone you dutch-ovened with these probably would never speak to you again. FEH. also, they're kind of giving me a touch of the insomnia, which is not so useful when i have to be at work at 8:30am.

but i digress.

okay, the dryer is buzzing at me, and i'm mildly hungry, so it's time to go. thrilling, no?
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