Mar 08, 2005 15:18
She stood in the situation room with the human members of the Team, staring in disbelief at the television screen, at the smoking building it displayed so grotesquely. Her heart dropped into her stomach as, while the camera crew filmed and Dan Rather babbled on, another plane swung around the towers and plowed into the second. No accident. Not anymore. And now there were reports of two other planes. One crashed in a field, the other into the Pentagon. All those people...America's security...nothing would ever be the same fom here on out.
Anger, fury followed the disbelief. The Navy SEAL frothed, chomping at the bit, but her face remained impassive, unreadable. The Team standing around her, looking to her for her first decision as team leader. She turned away from the screen as people started to jump out the windows to get away. She couldn't watch anymore. Her fingers dug into the leather of one of the chairs in the room as the newscaster gasped and announced the towers were going down.
All those people. Innocent people. It wasn't war-time, how dare they? Well, it's war time now. It would be nice to have been able to change the minds of the ones that orchestrated this, but as it stood, life continued on. She straightened, letting go of the chair with effort and made a call to SkyOne's pilot.