Went for a job interview this morning, the ICT Coordinator position one.
The posting is in a primary school in rural area. (Wow, I can re-watch Gakkou no Sensei again to learn from Sakuragi-sensei. XD) The salary is $1800, about 5-6 times of the salary of my current part-time job which I usually get average $200-300 per month. But yeah, that's it; if only I could manage to get the job, lol. XD;
Talking about the interview session, I was wondering whether it's more towards carefree chatting than a formal and serious conversation, lol. XD; The interviewer made me wanna laugh the whole time. We chatting carefree like that, I guess my luck won't be too lucky I probably won't get the job, haha. Owhh, it's not even a week yet for the result to be out, and I've already thinking like that. XD; ermm, maybe because I didn't really have useful contents so that's why it turned out to be a carefree chatting. XD;; haha, I don't really mind about getting the job or not, at least I still got another experience from an interview. X3
But before the interview, managed to have a light chat with another male candidate, which I think rather handsome lolol! My type or preferences of outer appearances, I supposed. <3 I think I just wanted to frankly say to him that he'd better be a model, hehe. XD At least I went back home happily after 'ogling' and 'flirting' with a guy there lol. Noooooo I'm not that flirty. XD It's just a friendly greeting, hee.
Got back home and found out we had some guests here. It's a stray mother cat that had brought her kittes to our outside storage room. Wow, a cat~ me lovee~ <33333 but unfortunately Mama cat is very fierce. T___T the kitties are bit fierce too, but at least they're approachable. XD
Will be away to go to court for some days starting Saturday morning. But because of that, need to go to sleep now so that can take full shift tomorrow till late evening/night at the bakery store to compensate the some off days I'll be taking next week. XD
yayy court ! *w*
some photos of the guests for the eyes.
the mama cat which will hiss and back off little by little if people start to get near even if it's only 2 meter away. TDT aww.. very blurry photo because of the zoom in. TDT
but at least kitties are approachable under the old shelf. <3333 my loveeee for cats are overwhelming again~ <33