MASTER POST: KinKi Kids fanworks list

Jan 01, 2020 10:00

The list of fan arts and fan comics of KinKi Kids. Some of them are public view but all KKL stuffs are definitely Locked. Please READ THIS if you want to see them.

And please don't spread the KKL fanworks without my knowings/permission first. Unless you're pretty sure your friends love KKL and don't mind seeing fan arts/comics of it. I don't mind sharing KK fanworks, but if it's KKL fanworks, please make sure first neh? :)

And I open the Suggestions Thread so click here if you want to suggest something for me to draw so feel free to suggest anything you want, anytime. :)  (but opened for flist only, sorry)

Note: I don't usually update this list fast, and not all arts/sketches/doodles are in the list below, so you might want to check the tags too. :)

++++ Fan Arts ++++
the list:
  1. (2009.05.22) KK - Scarf N Hat
  2. (2009.05.23) KK - Let's Greet Everyone With Our Sexiness   (Countdown 2003 backstage)
  3. (2009.05.27) Tsuyo - 'Sakuragi-sensei' (Gakkou no Sensei drama)
  4. (2009.06.10) KKL - We Can Use This Time To Sleep...
  5. (2009.06.27) KKL - I Took A Photo With 'Tsuyoshi' Too...
  6. (2009.07.13) KKL - This Father And Sons...
  7. (2009.07.21) KK - Happy 12th Debut Anniversary
  8. (2009.07.22) KK - Looking At Our Photos
  9. (2009.07.23) Tsuyo - Dating Game: the 5th Ending; Ohno
  10. (2009.07.27) KKL -   Song Scenes
  11. (2009.07.29) Tsuyo - Dating Game: the 4th Ending; Tsubasa
  12. (2009.07.30) KK - The Family Of KinKi Kids
  13. (2009.08.12) KK - A Fateful Meeting
  14. (2009.08.12) KKL - Meeting With 'Garbage'
  15. (2009.08.14) KK - At The Playground
  16. (2009.09.11) KK - Kouichi's Birthday Celebration (and waiting for KinKi You DVD occasion)
  17. (2009.09.18) Tsuyo - 'Today, too, I love you...'
  18. (2009.09.29) KKL - "doki doki doki............"
  19. (2009.10.29) Tsuyo / Kou - Art Dump: solo Tsu/ solo Kou
  20. (2009.10.29) KKL - Art Dump: some veryyyyy KKL moments  ///o/// 
  21. (2009.11.02) KK - Cat Tsuyo
  22. (2009.11.17) KKL - Hug and Chocolate cake
  23. (2009.12.04) KKL - KinKi Host Club
  24. (2009.12.28) KKL - KinKi in MSSL 25 Dec (MSSL 25 Dec 2009)

++++ Fan Comics (almost all are KKL)++++
the list:
  1. (2009.05.31) KKL - Preparing Kouichi
  2. (2009.06.01) KKL - Tsuyo's Kawaii Blinking Corner
  3. (2009.08.05) KKL - The Result of The Making of Ayakashi PV
  4. (2009.09.09) KKL - Counter-Attack (and the release date of the RAIN single occasion)
  5. (2009.09.14) KKL - Drunk KinKi (and a big cameo lol)
  6. (2009.09.15) KKL - Tsuyo & Bug
  7. (2009.12.01) KKL - "I am your mother." (Johnny Sports Days 2009)
  8. (2009.12.28) KKL - KKL planning collection (MSSL 25 Dec 2009)

++++ Others ++++
the list:
  1. (2010.01.01) Kouichi - Take Me To...  fanvid+fan animation  (Happy 31st Birthday)

fanworks: fanvid, fan art: d. tsuyoshi, fan comic: kk, fan comic: kkl, fan art: kk, fan art: kkl, fan art: d. kouichi

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