Apr 11, 2013 02:24

So I have this new housemate. He's a guy in his late 20s who came over to Aus to travel and work. He has never really achieved anything in life, just kinda worked in all sorts of odd jobs.

The best term to describe him would be: 空気よめない (Kuuki Yomenai) which in Japanese literally means "someone who can't read the air".

When he first started living in the house I thought he was pretty nice, so I'd talk to him and stuff and just chat about random things. Then I started realizing that he would go off into tangents, and a really simple small talk would turn into a really useless infuriating conversation.

I'm pretty tolerable compared to my other housemates, who have already subtly ostracised him within 2 weeks. At first I didn't understand why my other housemates are so mean to him, especially the girl housemate, she's pretty feisty and would outright ignore him whenever he tried to speak with her.

Soon enough I realized why.

His mannerism is not assertive at all. You tell him to go from A to B, he will take his sweet time and go from A --> C --> D --> B. For example because me and my other housemates have known each other for longer and we're kinda like a family so we would cook together sometimes. So we'd invite the new housemate to join us... for some fucked up reason he'd take his sweet time, and when he does come and sit down he'll sit at the table and observe us and the food for awhile.

What the hell.

Then he'll be all shy about the food. Ok that's fine, if you're shy the first time but after telling him 6~7 times to help himself to food... it gets really fucking frustrating.

So then we were having a conversation while having dinner, and one of my housemate said something about how her friend contracted this virus in Chinese. I didn't understand that term in Chinese so I was like, "what's that?". The new housemate just pipes in and started explaining how it's a virus where you get diarrhoea, vomit etc. Seriously not table conversation material. All the other housemates have already shut up and you could tell that the conversation should have stopped there, but he just kept going.

His room is near the entrance, so when I come home at night he'd greet me (which I fucking dread) and he'll be like "home so late? Sleep early tonight!" NO FUCK OFF. YOU'RE NOT MY MUM WTF.

Sometimes I'd walk into the kitchen and he'll force some stupid drink on me, for the first few times I'd accept out of politeness but lately I just flat out say no and walk off.

I was cooking breakfast together with other housemates and I needed to cut some shallots. He saw me take out the chopping board and immediately said, "I'll chop it for you". NO. WHY? WHY DO I NEED YOU TO DO THINGS FOR ME? Then he fucking hovered over me while I was chopping and said, "let me cut it, you're going to cut your fingers".
SHIT MAN. BACK OFF BEFORE I THROW THIS KNIFE IN YOUR FACE. I finished chopping and was cleaning up. "Just leave it, I'll wash it for you". FUCK. OFF. Then I realized I didn't have enough shallots and I started cutting again AND OF COURSE HE STARTED HOVERING OVER ME AND TELLING ME I CAN'T CUT SHALLOTS. MOTEHR FUCKER HAS A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING.

Then one night I was in the living room watching TV, he came up to me...

him: um... are you free tomorrow...?
me: I'm going out. Why?
him: ....what time...?
me: I don't know, probably in the morning. (getting annoyed)
him: oh... I was just wondering.. if you have time.. can you show me how to use the washing machine?
me: ok

next day I left in the morning without saying a word

Seriously, the fact that he had to beat around the bushes to ask me one fucking simple question was the sole reason I DID NOT want to help him. Grow some fucking balls.

Few days ago I said I was going back to Taiwan for a bit, so my housemates started requesting things from me to bring back. And we were all having fun just laughing and talking. He kinda just sat there and didn't say anything. Later that night he knocked on my door and gave me a card which had his details on it.

him: is this ok...?
him: my facebook...can you add me? Just wondering... if possible I can get you to bring stuff for me too... just in case. Oh but I'll try not to... so I won't bother you.
me: ok *took the card and closed the door, as soon as I closed it I threw the card away*

Just then he asked me to help him sign up for an email account. FOR FUCK SAKES. TAKE A HINT. STOP FINDING TRIVIAL THINGS TO TALK TO ME.

To be honest I feel really bad, I know he's socially awkward and doesn't mean it. I should be nicer to him because he doesn't really have friends, doesn't speak English and just seriously doesn't have much going on in his life. BUT I CAN'T STAND IT. I REALLY CANNOT STAND PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ASSERTIVE. ACT ALL SHEEPISH AND SHIT. DRIVES ME UP THE WALL.

... *sigh* I used to be really shy and timid as well, so I really should be nicer and be more sympathetic. Though my shyness was not sheepish or patronising. I just didn't talk. This guy is just hesitant on everything for some reason, and it makes me want to bitch slap him.

life, rage

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