Little snippet of a scene in my final project. The characters are not coloured because it's still an animatic. I'd say this would be my favourite scene out of the entire animation I plan to make. Even though it's probably the most simple scene, I feel very attached to it for some reason.
Agh I still have a LOT of backgrounds to draw... having a hard time designing the underworld OTL.
Had another shakuhachi lesson today. WOW ok shakuhachi is hard... really hard. I've been playing the flute for 9~10 years now, so I'm confident enough to say that I'm a good woodwind player who can control my breath well. However I friggin play 15min of the shakuhachi and I feel like fainting already.
My sensei was teaching me the Kari, Meri techniques today. Kari, Meri are basically going from one perfect pitch to another with a full sound. Apparently between Kari and Meri, there is Jigoku (hell), which is a place you should not go in. So if I play a flat Kari or a sharp Meri, I'll be going to hell LOL. He said that it takes a great deal of spiritual energy to go from Kari to Meri without stepping into hell... OTL
Shit... 3.50am LOL omg assignments really screws me over. Been waking up around 12 and sleeping at 3~4am. Body clock is officially screwed.