why yes, this IS a dumb question worthy of laughing at if it were on Yahoo Answers

Dec 19, 2008 11:14

So I'm finally getting around to doing that oral surgery consultation re: wisdom teeth. The first appointment was Dec 30th, so I figured why not. They asked over the phone before even seeing anything if I'd like the surgery that day. I would not prefer this for several reasons, including the fact that I'd like to sit around and think about how much it'll cost or whatever. But mostly because I want to go to a New Year's Eve party.

I've heard conflicting reports about when you can have alcohol post op.
I hear it's mostly a drug interaction thing. (which I believe.)
Or that alcohol thins the blood and is bad to have within a week.
Or that alcohol can dissolve stitches.
Or that it doesn't matter.
Or that you just have to worry about carbonation.

Can someone help me out here?
I don't think I want to get it done on the 30th since I have a lot of work to do that biweek to begin with without the random days off and travel, but I think these would be good things to know in general, in case I want to plan around another party. =P
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